Is there a limit to how many products you can sell on Shopify per month?

Now, Shopify does not limit you from selling products. You can sell unlimited products per month on Shopify. But there is a limit on the number of new products you upload. If you have already uploaded 50,000 products in Shopify, then you can only upload 1,000 new products or product variants every 24 hours.

So, if you are a small store, then you need not to worry.

Shopify, it committed to helping small businesses grow because. But different people may have different perspectives.  Some say they lack fundamental needs. But that differs from one user to another.


Sure, think of storage space like a box where you keep all your files for your online store. Shopify has set limits on how much stuff you can keep in that box:

1. For documents without videos: You can keep up to 50 GB worth of these types of files. These might include pictures, text files, or other items that aren’t videos.

2. For documents that have videos: If your files include videos, you’re allowed to have up to 500 GB of those. Videos tend to take up more space because they’re larger files.

3. Total number of files: Whether you have uploaded documents or videos, Shopify says you can have up to 1000 files in total. That means everything together—documents, videos, and any other type of file—can’t go over that amount.

Now, comparing storage with other platforms is where it gets a bit tricky. Shopify might say that their storage is limited while we can say that they don’t have these specific limits. It’s important to verify these claims as different platforms might have their own limitations, even if they’re not as explicitly mentioned. So, it’s always good to check what the competition offers in terms of storage and how they manage files for their users.

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Server error:

When too many requests made within a certain period, it may cause the server to struggle to load and make your store slow.  You may report this issue with Shopify, but many a times that won’t solve by troubleshooting as per instruction’s.

The fact is, Shopify allocates only the minimum resources they most stores need, which might not be enough for your specific requirements. If you are medium to big store. They might not be open about these limits and instead might imply that any issues are due to your setup rather than acknowledging possible server limitations.

Shopify Isn’t Bug Free:

Shopify isn’t bug free. You may experience various errors that can be at time frustrating. Some of the most frequent issue that you may face are as follows:

Server error (Lines 7394-7407): This indicates a general problem with the server that’s preventing proper file import.

Net::OpenTimeout (Lines 14926-14939): This error implies a connection timeout issue, possibly due to delays or unresponsive connections.

Product is marked as read-only (Lines 506-519): This suggests that certain products are set as “read-only,” which might restrict editing or modification.

RateLimitExceeded (Lines 18342-18355): This occurs when you surpass the permitted rate for accessing or using a service. It’s like reaching a maximum limit for how many times you can do something within a certain timeframe.

Failed to open TCP connection (Lines 7520-7533): This error signifies a failure to establish a connection between your system and a server.

TRILOGY_CLOSED_CONNECTION (Lines 4552-4565): Indicates an unexpected closure of a connection, disrupting the import process.

Must be unique within this namespace (Lines 16424-16437): Implies that certain data or identifiers must be distinct within a specific category or space, likely causing conflicts or duplication issues.

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Execution Expired (Lines 20246-20259): Similar to a timeout issue, where a task or process took too long to complete and was terminated prematurely.

Query execution interrupted (Lines 7926-7939): Indicates an interruption during the execution of a query, possibly due to limitations on processing time or resources.

Repeated Net::OpenTimeout (Lines 14926-14939): This is a duplicate of the previous Net::OpenTimeout error.

RateLimitExceeded indicates that your activity might be restricted due to exceeding the allowed rate for certain actions. This could happen when you’re trying to import a large number of files or perform frequent operations within a short period.

While Shopify aims for a bug-free platform, these problems indicate that there is no platform bug-free.

Final Words:

Various Shopify plans cater to small, medium, and large scale businesses. Some, say that they are experiencing server timeout.

But the reason can be if you have chosen the Shopify plan for small businesses, but uploading product catalogs in huge numbers that resemble a large-scale business. then it will cause issues.

Therefore, you must upgrade your Shopify plan as per your business volume.

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